Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    This article describes the Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report that is included with Solver's SaaS model for users of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP and Binary Stream's Subscription Billing Suite (SBS). It is part of a library of more than 150 ready-to-use reports, budget models and dashboard templates that Solver provides to SaaS companies as part of its cloud Corporate Performance Management (CPM) platform.

    Unlocking Growth Potential: The Power of Subscription Revenue by Order Type Reports in SaaS Management

    In the dynamic landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, optimizing decision-making processes is paramount for sustained success. Imagine having the ability to instantly analyze and comprehend your subscription revenue breakdown, effortlessly answering critical questions that can shape your marketing, sales, and customer retention strategies. Solver, a best-in-class Corporate Performance Management (CPM) solution, steps in to revolutionize this scenario with its Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report. For CFOs and executives seeking to streamline operations and enhance strategic planning, this report becomes an indispensable asset.

    Challenges Faced by SaaS Companies Without Subscription Revenue by Order Type Reports

    • Lack of Self-Service Analysis: Traditional methods often force SaaS managers into a reactive stance, unable to perform on-demand analyses of revenue by order type. This hampers their ability to make informed decisions promptly.
    • Excel Overload: Relying on manual Excel spreadsheets for tracking and reporting subscription revenues introduces inefficiencies and the risk of errors. The time-consuming nature of these manual processes limits the agility needed for swift decision-making.
    • Limited Visibility: Without a comprehensive view of revenue categories such as New Subscriptions, Renewed Subscriptions, Add-ons, Cancellations, and Removals, managers struggle to grasp the nuances that drive their business forward.

    Benefits of Modern Subscription Revenue by Order Type Reports

    • Instant Insights: Solver's Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report provides a real-time, easy-to-read presentation of order type metrics. This empowers SaaS managers to swiftly gain insights into their revenue structure, facilitating quicker and more informed decision-making.
    • Holistic Overview: The report's combo layout, featuring monthly, year-to-date, and trend charts, allows executives to grasp the bigger picture. Variance analysis further aids in identifying patterns and trends, fostering a deeper understanding of the business dynamics.
    • Reduced Dependency on Manual Processes: By automating the reporting and analysis of subscription revenues, Solver eliminates the need for laborious manual spreadsheets. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors, providing a more reliable foundation for strategic planning.

    About the Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report

    This report provides variance and trend analysis of revenues (and lost revenues) by order type, including New Subscriptions, Renewed Subscriptions, Add-ons, Cancellations and Removals. The three stacked column chart on the left shows the contribution of each order type towards monthly and year-to-date revenues.

    For this and many other ready-to-use templates from Solver, visit our web-site Marketplace page and download the free SaaS eBook.

    Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report for Dynamics 365 Business Central -  Pre-built SaaS Template from Solver


    In the quest for a comprehensive solution that not only addresses the current challenges but propels your SaaS company towards a future of efficiency and growth, Solver's CPM solution stands out. The Subscription Revenue by Order Type Report is just one of the many tools in its arsenal, designed to empower CFOs and executives to take control of their financial reporting, analysis, and budgeting. By embracing Solver, you're not just adopting a software; you're embracing a transformative approach to management that will reshape the way your company thrives in the competitive SaaS landscape.

    Resources for Additional SaaS Reports, Dashboards and Budget Models

    For more information about all the SaaS templates from Solver check out these resources:

    About Solver

    Solver is a global leader in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and comes with out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Subscription Billing Suite from Binary Stream. Solver includes more than 150 reports, dashboards and budget templates for SaaS companies that provide in-depth analysis of subscription revenues, financials, human capital/payroll and CRM pipeline.