Lead Target Model for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    This article describes the Lead Target Template that is included with Solver's SaaS model for users of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP and Binary Stream's Subscription Billing Suite (SBS). It is part of a library of more than 150 ready-to-use reports, budget models and dashboard templates that Solver provides to SaaS companies as part of its cloud Corporate Performance Management (CPM) platform.

    Unlocking Growth Potential with Modern Lead Target Models in SaaS Companies

    In the ever-evolving landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, optimizing sales and marketing planning is integral to success. Today, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), sales and marketing leaders in the SaaS industry face challenges in efficiently managing their business, often grappling with manual processes and the absence of self-service tools. This is where the implementation of Lead Target Models, seamlessly integrated into a Corporate Performance Management (CPM) platform like Solver, proves to be a game-changer.

    Challenges Faced by SaaS Companies Without Self-Service Lead Target Models

    • Limited Forecasting Precision: SaaS companies often struggle to precisely forecast the number of leads required to meet their budgeted sales goals. The absence of an automated model leads to uncertainties and potential gaps in resource allocation.
    • Dependency on Manual Spreadsheets: The reliance on numerous manual Excel spreadsheets to keep executives informed about forecasted sales and the corresponding funnel stages introduces the risk of errors, delays, and miscommunications.
    • Budget Constraints and Allocation Dilemmas: Without a dedicated Lead Target Model, marketing managers are left in the dark about whether the allocated budget is sufficient to generate the required leads. This lack of clarity ripples through to the sales team, impacting their ability to meet set goals.

    Benefits of Implementing Modern Automated Lead Target Models

    • Precision in Forecasting: Solver's Lead Target to Meet Sales Goals Model bridges the gap between sales objectives and lead generation requirements. By incorporating user inputs based on set sales goals, it provides an accurate forecast of the number of leads marketing needs to generate.
    • Streamlined Budgeting and Forecasting Processes: The model offers a user-friendly interface, enabling marketing managers to swiftly grasp the dynamics of lead generation requirements. This not only reduces the time spent on budgeting and forecasting but also minimizes the chances of errors associated with manual processes.
    • Informed Decision-Making: Executives can make well-informed decisions about resource allocation and budget adjustments. The model acts as a strategic tool, empowering both sales and marketing leaders to align their efforts seamlessly.

    About the Lead Target to Meet Sales Goals Model

    Top Left Screenshot: Lead Calculator � Based on Lead Target This model uses input to analyze low, mid and high scenarios for Sales Revenue starting with marketing budget available and the related target number of leads. The user enters the target conversion rates as the leads moves through the funnel and ends with the resulting 3 sales revenue scenarios. The model is a powerful tool in the early stages of the budget process to project the amount of Marketing funding to budget for based on the target sales revenue the company wants to achieve. Bottom Right Screenshot: Lead Calculator � Based on Customer Target This model uses input to analyze low, mid and high scenarios to achieve a target number of New Customers. The user enters the target conversion rates as the leads move through the funnel and shows the estimated number of leads this results in at each stage in the funnel. The model is a powerful tool in the early stages of the budget process to project the amount of leads Marketing needs to generate on target customer base growth. For this and many other ready-to-use templates from Solver, visit our web-site Marketplace page.
    Lead Target to Meet Sales Goals Model for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Lead Target Model for Dynamics 365 Business Central � Pre-built SaaS Template from Solver

    Why Choose Solver's CPM Solution

    In considering a comprehensive solution for financial reporting, analysis, and budgeting, Solver stands out as a reliable and efficient choice. The Lead Target to Meet Sales Goals Model, alongside other pre-built reports and dashboards, offers a powerful and flexible toolset. By adopting Solver, SaaS companies can not only address immediate challenges but also lay the foundation for accelerated growth, reducing the risk of wrong decisions and enhancing overall operational efficiency. Embrace the future of business management with Solver's CPM solution � where precision meets performance. Resources for Additional SaaS Reports, Dashboards and Budget Models For more information about all the SaaS templates from Solver check out these resources: About Solver Solver is a global leader in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and comes with out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Subscription Billing Suite from Binary Stream. Solver includes more than 150 reports, dashboards and budget templates for SaaS companies that provide in-depth analysis of subscription revenues, financials, human capital/payroll and CRM pipeline.