Profit & Loss Variance Report for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    This article describes the Profit & Loss Variance Report that is included with Solver's SaaS model for users of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP and Binary Stream's Subscription Billing Suite (SBS). It is part of a library of more than 150 other ready-to-use reporting, budgeting and dashboard templates that Solver provides to SaaS companies as part of its cloud Corporate Performance Management (CPM) platform.

    Modern Profit & Loss Reports and CPM Drives Powerful SaaS Insights

    If you are a CFO or an executive in a SaaS company, you know how important it is to have accurate and timely financial reports to monitor and manage your business performance. However, you may also face some common challenges and frustrations with your current reporting processes and tools. In this blog post, we will show you how modern profit & loss variance reports implemented as part of a corporate performance management platform (CPM) can help you overcome these challenges and improve your analysis and decision-making.

    Pains and Issues of not Having Automated Financial Reports

    • You rely on manual Excel spreadsheets that are prone to errors, inconsistencies and security risks
    • You spend too much time collecting, consolidating and formatting data from multiple sources and systems
    • You have limited visibility into the drivers and details behind your revenue and expense variances
    • You struggle to keep up with the changing business environment and customer expectations
    • You miss opportunities to optimize your pricing, product mix, customer retention and acquisition strategies

    Benefits of Using Modern Profit & Loss Variance Reports

    • You get access to more than 150 pre-built reports, dashboards and budgeting templates designed specifically for SaaS companies by Solver, a best-in-class CPM solution
    • You can easily customize and create your own reports using drag-and-drop functionality and user-friendly interface
    • You can automate and streamline your reporting processes with cloud-based technology, data integration and workflow capabilities
    • You can drill down to the transaction level to analyze the root causes of your variances and take corrective actions
    • You can leverage auto narratives, professional formatting, charts and graphs to communicate your insights and recommendations effectively
    • You can improve your forecasting accuracy, scenario planning and what-if analysis with powerful modeling and simulation features

    About the Profit & Loss Variance Report

    This is a modern Profit & Loss report with expandable rows to drill into individual GL accounts. The top portion of the report displays an automatically generated narrative section. The report provides monthly actual, actual last year and budget figures and variances. It also shows Actual YTD + Budget for the rest of year with monthly detail and totals to see a calculated estimate of the full year.

    For this and many other ready-to-use templates from Solver, visit our web-site Marketplace page and download the free SaaS eBook.

    Profit & Loss Variance Report with Narrative for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Profit & Loss Variance Report with Narrative for Dynamics 365 Business Central -  Pre-built Template from Solver

    In conclusion, modern profit & loss variance reports implemented as part of a CPM platform like Solver can help you better run your SaaS business by providing you with reliable, timely and actionable information. With Solver, you can reduce your reporting mistakes and dependency on manual spreadsheets, speed up your decision-making and implement a single cloud solution to automate and streamline your reporting, analysis and budgeting. If you want to learn more about how Solver can help you achieve your goals, contact us today for a free demo.

    Resources for Additional SaaS Reports, Dashboards and Budget Models

    For more information about all the SaaS templates from Solver check out these resources:

    About Solver

    Solver is a global leader in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and comes with out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Subscription Billing Suite from Binary Stream. Solver includes more than 150 reports, dashboards and budget templates for SaaS companies that provide in-depth analysis of subscription revenues, financials, human capital/payroll and CRM pipeline.