Price Change Simulation Dashboard for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    This article describes the Price Change Simulation Dashboard that is included with Solver's SaaS model for users of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP and Binary Stream's Subscription Billing Suite (SBS). It is part of a library of more than 150 ready-to-use reports, budget models and dashboard templates that Solver provides to SaaS companies as part of its cloud Corporate Performance Management (CPM) platform.

    Unlocking SaaS Success with Solver's Price Change Simulation Dashboard

    In the dynamic landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, strategic decision-making hinges on a profound understanding of pricing dynamics and their subsequent impacts on revenues. However, the absence of intuitive tools often leaves CFOs and executives grappling with delayed decisions, dependency on error-prone manual spreadsheets, and a constant struggle for efficient self-service analysis. Enter Solver, a top-tier Corporate Performance Management (CPM) solution, armed with a revolutionary Price Change Simulation Dashboard that transforms the way SaaS businesses approach pricing strategies.

    Challenges Faced by SaaS Companies Without Self-Service Price Change Simulation Models

    • Lack of Visibility: SaaS managers often struggle with the inability to gain instant insights into the potential impacts of price changes on subscription revenues, leading to delayed decision-making.
    • Spreadsheet Overload: Manual Excel spreadsheets, while familiar, become cumbersome as they fail to keep pace with the dynamic nature of SaaS revenue models, making it challenging to keep managers informed accurately.
    • Analysis Bottleneck: Without user-friendly self-service tools, SaaS companies find themselves bogged down by a lack of on-demand analysis, hindering quick responses to market trends and competitive pressures.

    Benefits of Modern Price Change Simulation Dashboards

    • Real-Time Insights: Solver's Price Change Simulation Dashboard offers a responsive and intuitive interface, providing year-to-date, rest-of-year, and next-year metrics, ensuring SaaS executives gain real-time insights into revenue impacts across various pricing scenarios.
    • Scenario Planning: The dashboard facilitates scenario planning with low, mid, and high variations, empowering decision-makers to assess the full spectrum of potential outcomes and make informed choices.
    • Streamlined Decision-Making: By offering an automated and centralized platform for reporting, analysis, and budgeting, Solver's solution expedites critical decision-making, allowing SaaS companies to stay agile in the face of evolving market conditions.

    About the Price Change Simulation Dashboard

    The purpose of this interactive report is to allow for ad-hoc price simulations to see how a price increase (or decrease) may affect subscription sales revenues for the rest of the current year and all of next year. Up to three different price change scenarios can be entered and compared at the same time.

    For this and many other ready-to-use templates from Solver, visit our web-site Marketplace page and download the free SaaS eBook.

    Price Change Simulation Dashboard for SaaS Companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Price Change Simulation Dashboard for Dynamics 365 Business Central - Pre-built SaaS Template from Solver

    Why Choose Solver for Your CPM Needs

    In a landscape where every decision counts, Solver stands out as a comprehensive solution, not just limited to the Price Change Simulation Dashboard. The platform boasts over 150 pre-built reports, dashboards, and budgeting templates, providing SaaS companies with a one-stop solution for their financial reporting, analysis, and budgeting requirements. By choosing Solver, SaaS executives can unlock the power and flexibility needed to navigate the intricacies of pricing policies, trends, and their subsequent impact on revenues, ultimately driving profitability. In conclusion, Solver's CPM solution, coupled with the innovative Price Change Simulation Dashboard, represents a paradigm shift for SaaS companies aiming to enhance their decision-making prowess. Embrace the future of strategic pricing analysis and empower your organization to thrive in the competitive SaaS landscape.

    Resources for Additional SaaS Reports, Dashboards and Budget Models

    For more information about all the SaaS templates from Solver check out these resources:

    About Solver

    Solver is a global leader in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and comes with out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Subscription Billing Suite from Binary Stream. Solver includes more than 150 reports, dashboards and budget templates for SaaS companies that provide in-depth analysis of subscription revenues, financials, human capital/payroll and CRM pipeline.